Focus and Scope

Jurnal Bahana Kesehatan Masyarakat (Bahana of Journal Public Health) is an open access journal and peer-reviewed that publishes either original article or reviews. This journal focuses on:

1. Nursing encompasses a broad array of specialties including foundational nursing care, adult or medical-surgical nursing, neonatal and pediatric nursing, women's health nursing, mental health and psychiatric nursing, family and community health nursing, gerontological nursing, nursing administration and management, oncology nursing, transcultural nursing, as well as expertise in addressing HIV/AIDS, non communicable diseases, and tropical diseases. It also extends to associated healthcare topics like health professions, policies, systems, and education.

2. Midwifery encompasses the fields of childbirth, newborn care, pregnancy, postpartum care, as well as women's and reproductive health. It involves a holistic approach to supporting and empowering women throughout their reproductive journey, from pregnancy to postpartum, emphasizing care during childbirth and the early stages of infancy.

3. Environmental Health involves addressing various aspects such as environmental sanitation, management, risk assessment, and toxicology, as well as controlling vector and rodent-borne diseases, particularly within disaster management contexts. It encompasses efforts aimed at ensuring a safe and healthy environment through the assessment and prevention of environmental hazards and the implementation of measures to mitigate their impact on public health.

4. Dental Health encompasses a wide range including pediatric dentistry, oral pathology, dental health for special needs, dental health promotion, and dental public health among others. It involves various fields such as preventive dentistry, orthodontics, and periodontics, focusing on maintaining oral health and addressing dental issues across different age groups and conditions.

5. Medical Laboratory Technology encompasses various disciplines including bacteriology, virology, hematology, parasitology, clinical chemistry, toxicology, and food and beverage chemistry. It involves the application of scientific principles in the analysis of medical samples to aid in diagnosis and treatment.

6. Pharmacy encompasses a wide range of fields including pharmaceutical technology, which involves developing new drug formulations, and pharmaceutical biology, which focuses on exploring antimicrobial activity and studying infectious diseases mechanisms. Additionally, pharmaceutical chemistry involves molecular docking and laboratory techniques, while clinical and community pharmacy includes conducting pharmacological tests of new drug candidates in various healthcare settings such as pharmacies, hospitals, and clinics.

7. Health promotion involves multifaceted efforts to encourage healthy behaviors, prevent illness, and create supportive environments for health across individuals, communities, and populations. Collaboration among various sectors is crucial in implementing policies and programs that address both individual choices and societal influences to improve health outcomes and reduce disparities.

8. Public Health Services encompass a range of functions including public health practice, epidemiological application, community nutrition, socio-economic aspects of nutrition foods, such as nutrition food database and regulation, health service assessment and management, as well as health protection and program evaluation. This involves activities related to governance, legal and ethical considerations, policy development, and strengthening public health systems and workforce capacity.